MME observes International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), represented by the Radiation and Chemicals Protection Department in collaboration with Qatar University organised on Thursday virtual event celebrating on the occasion of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, which falls on the third Saturday of September every year.

A number of officials and interested persons from government and academic agencies, representatives of the Regional Office for West Asia, in addition to contact points in the GCC countries, and representatives of the commercial sector working in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning participated in the event.

A number of main themes were reviewed during the event, coinciding with the theme of the Montreal Protocol for this year " Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool." It began with an introduction to World Ozone Day, introducing the ozone layer and its location, and the role of the ozone team in implementing all obligations related to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol. The continuous use of refrigeration and air-conditioning devices has been addressed.

The effect of "cooling" on the storage of "Covid-19" vaccines, and the appropriate temperatures for each type of vaccination was highlighted as well.

The use of transport vehicles and electric motors in logistics areas, instead of cars that operate on oil derivatives, was also reviewed to reduce the damages of emitted hydrocarbon compounds and to reduce pollution and emissions, as well as to generate electricity and rely on fixed energy sources.

At the end of the event, certificates of thanks and appreciation were presented to the bodies and companies that provided support and assistance in implementing the obligations of the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol.

As seen on GulfTimes  Image Credits GulfTimes