Visitors stuck in Qatar can stay without extending visa: Ministry

Doha: Visitors in Qatar on tourist visas (on-arrival and priorly issued visas) can stay in the country without extending their visas or paying any fee, taking into account their inability to return to their home countries due to the closure of airports. 

“Following the Law No. 21 of 2010 for regulating entry and exit of expatriates and their residence, it was decided to allow visitors who arrived in the country on tourist visas (on arrival and applied in advance) to stay in the country, taking into account the inability to return to their countries, due to the closure of airports in most countries of the world,” Ministry of Interior tweeted.

The aforementioned visitors are allowed to stay and there is no need to extend their visas or pay fees for it, Ministry said.

Once the country declares that the conditions have returned to normal and flights start operation to their countries, they will be granted a grace period to leave the country.

As seen on Peninsula Qatar  Image Credits Peninsula Qatar