Qatar ق€˜committed to protecting rights of womenق€™

Qatar has affirmed its commitment to the implementation of its

obligations to international and regional conventions and charters that

enshrine the human rights of women, especially the United Nations

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against


This came in a statement delivered by Sarah Mohamed Kamal al-Emadi, a

member of Qatar’s delegation participating in the 72nd Session of the

United Nations General Assembly.

Al-Emadi said the issue of the advancement of women is a priority in the

policy of Qatar, based on the pivotal role of women in all walks of


This is reflected in the Constitution, which provides for equality of

rights and public duties, equality of all before the law without


“The State of Qatar is keen to integrate women’s issues, particularly

those related to enhancing their participation in economic and political

decision-making, providing decent work and promoting social protection

in all national strategies and plans, including Qatar National Vision

2030, and Family Strategy,” she added.

She noted that the link between women’s empowerment, gender equality and

development is a reality that the international community has

recognised and addressed through the fifth goal of sustainable

development, and that achieving this goal, which is integrated with

other sustainable development goals, requires collective efforts and

constructive partnerships among all actors to ensure the implementation

of all international obligations and treaties related to the achievement

of the fifth objective, she said.

She emphasised that Qatari women have made great strides in their

participation in various areas of life thanks to the strong political

will of wise leadership to empower women and enhance their participation

in the human development process.

Qatar is one of the first countries to encourage the education of girls

in the Gulf region in 1938 with the first school for girls at the home

of Amna al-Jaidah who was called the “pyramid of education”, al-Emadi


The state puts education and especially the education of girls among the

priorities of its policy and development assistance at home and abroad,

she added.

She said that Qatar is one of the first countries in the Gulf region to grant women the right to vote and to stand for office.

Qatari women are currently qualified to hold senior positions in the

state as ministers, judges, ambassadors and university presidents,

public prosecutors, police and security force.

Al-Emadi said the reports indicate that the percentage of female

participation in the labour force during the previous years had touched

35.1%, thanks to amendments to the Qatari Labour Law, the provision of

maternity leave and the granting of breastfeeding hours, and the policy

of encouraging the sharing of family responsibilities between parents

and mothers, adding that the state has spared no effort to motivate

women and encourage them to enter the world of business and investment

in the private sector.

She stressed that the efforts to eliminate violence against women are

among the most important efforts that contribute to the achieving

development and promoting peace and social security.

In this regard, she said, Qatar has established mechanisms for

empowerment and protection such as the National Social Action

Foundation, which includes the Centre for Social Protection and

Rehabilitation, to protect and reintegrate women victims of violence

into society.

As seen on GulfTimes  Image Credits GulfTimes