Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC) has taken a significant step towards improving patient health and expediting the recovery process by introducing cupping (Hijama) therapy as a pilot phase at Umm Slal Health Center. Cupping therapy, an ancient practice used in traditional medicine, offers a range of benefits and has been embraced by various cultures around the world. With a focus on patient safety and well-being, PHCC aims to provide comprehensive and integrated health services while adhering to approved standards and guidelines.

PHCC has outlined the process for accessing cupping therapy services, emphasizing that patients who require this therapeutic intervention can obtain it through a family physician. Cases suitable for cupping therapy are identified based on approved standards, and trained physicians in cupping technology carry out the treatment. This individualized approach ensures that each patient's specific needs are addressed and that the therapy is allocated accordingly.

The cupping therapy program primarily focuses on patients diagnosed with conditions such as chronic headache of unknown causes, refractory migraine, carpal tunnel syndrome without surgical indication, muscle imbalance and postural dysfunction, refractory muscle spasms, neck and back pain (upper or lower), chronic diseases like eczema and asthma, and skin disorders such as acne. By targeting these conditions, cupping therapy aims to alleviate symptoms and promote overall well-being.

Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It is widely used in various parts of the world, including China and the Middle East, to enhance health, prevent illnesses, and provide treatment. The therapy involves the use of wet cupping, which helps relieve chronic pain and acts as a tranquilizer. Cupping therapy is supported by Islamic Sharia law and is mentioned in many Islamic prophetic Hadiths. It offers numerous benefits, including improved blood flow, detoxification of the body, pain relief, strengthening of the nervous system, and increased mobility and flexibility.

During cupping therapy, temporary marks may appear on the skin, along with side effects such as bruising and skin itching. However, patients typically recover and return to their normal condition within 7 to 10 days, although there may be persistent changes in skin color. It is important to note that cupping therapy is a safe procedure, but it may not be suitable for everyone. Pregnant women and individuals with acute hepatitis, tuberculosis, heart disease, arrhythmia, pacemaker implantation, blood clotting disorders, severe anemia, and kidney failure are advised against using this form of therapy.

Since its successful launch as a pilot phase at Umm Slal Health Center in February, cupping therapy is set to expand to other health centers in the future. PHCC's vision of providing comprehensive and integrated health services, guided by global standards, drives the expansion of cupping therapy. By integrating traditional medicine practices, PHCC aims to meet the diverse needs of patients and promote overall well-being.

With the introduction of cupping therapy as a pilot phase, PHCC has taken a significant step towards improving patient health and recovery. Cupping therapy, rooted in ancient traditions, offers a range of benefits for various conditions. By embracing traditional medicine practices while adhering to approved standards, PHCC is working towards its vision of providing comprehensive and integrated health services. As cupping therapy expands to more health centers, it will continue to contribute to the well-being of patients, aligning with global standards and ensuring the highest level of care.

For more information about PHCC's cupping therapy services and other healthcare offerings, please visit the official Primary Health Care Corporation