MoI, Ashghal establish e-link to exchange traffic accidents data

The Ministry of Interior and the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) Monday launched an e-link between them to exchange data of traffic accidents that resulte in damage to state property. This e-link will help avoid all paperwork between the two parties in this regard.

Brig. Abdul Aziz bin Jassim Al Thani, Director of Patrols and Traffic Investigation Department at the Traffic Directorate, confirmed that this project comes within the framework of the joint efforts between the Traffic Dept and Ashghal to ensure quick and accurate exchange of data.


Brig. Abdul Aziz bin Jassim Al Thani, Director of Patrols and Traffic Investigation Department at the Traffic Directorate

“This project enables the General Directorate of Traffic to complete all procedures for traffic accidents that resulted in damage to state property, within one day. The vehicle repair report for the person causing the accident will be issued after sending all the traffic data of the accident electronically to Ashghal to take action with the person causing the damage”, he said.

Previously it was required to send paper correspondence from the Traffic Department and Ashghal to estimate the damage to the state property and then issue the vehicle repair report to the person who caused it.

He pointed out that the e-link and data exchange allows the two parties to document the data electronically, maintain statistics, develop the project according to future needs, facilitate services provided to the public, and save time and effort.

As seen on GulfTimes  Image Credits GulfTimes