EVMC research bags top prize at sports medicine event

Doha: An abstract for a research study on horse rehabilitation, led by Dr. Florent David, Head of the Surgery and Sports Medicine Service at Equine Veterinary Medical Center, has won first place at the 2021 annual American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (ACVSMR) conference. 

Qatar Foundation’s Equine Veterinary Medical Center (EVMC) team conducted an underwater analysis of the fore- and hindlimbs during straight-line free swimming in eleven elite endurance horses as part of the rehabilitation study. The results of this swimming study will allow for the establishment of tailored rehabilitation protocols to improve rehabilitation results and times. 

Dr. David said, “I am extremely proud of our team – to receive this level of recognition is more than what we could have expected. It is the first time a research project has been entirely conducted at EVMC, and has been able to take advantage of some of the great resources and facilities Al Shaqab, a member of Qatar Foundation, has to offer, such as a long swimming pool and endurance horses. This award means a lot – and it truly highlights how Qatar Foundation has rapidly arrived at the forefront of the equine veterinary scene.”

Dr. Florent David and his EVMC co-authors included Dr. Tatiana Vinardell and Sarah Johnson, Dr. Silvio Filho from Al Shaqab Endurance department, and Dr. Emma Santosuosso, Dr. Perse McCrae,  Shannon Massie, Cambell Rolian, and Prof. Renaud Leguillette from the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada.

Dr. David added: “Reaching this quality of research could not have been possible without a fruitful research partnership with the veterinary faculty from the University of Calgary, Canada, and the collaboration of Dr. Renaud Leguillette, co-principal investigator on this project with me. Renaud brought with him a team of highly motivated and skilled young researchers, perfectly complementing our research team.”

EVMC has been active in recent years in seeking out research and educational collaborations. Conducting innovative research with established institutes such as the University of Calgary has facilitated its progress towards cutting-edge research in line with Qatar Foundation’s mission and vision.

Dr. Leguillette, Professor of Equine Internal Medicine at the University of Calgary, said: ‘’The results of this research will benefit horses not only in Qatar but all over the world. It was a great experience for the graduate students who were involved in this project to come and visit Qatar, study its horse heritage, and learn about swimming research, data analysis, and the scientific publication process.”

“The team from the University of Calgary - Veterinary Medicine was very impressed by the facilities and by the warm welcome and support from everyone at EVMC. We are looking forward to doing more collaborative equine research in the near future.’’

The research team has been invited to present the abstract at the annual conference in Chicago, Illinois, US, later this year. 

As seen on Peninsula Qatar  Image Credits Peninsula Qatar