There has been a significant increase in the number of new patients with kidney diseases in the country over the recent years, according to a senior official of Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC).
“We have data from 2013 to 2016 which suggests that there is a big increase in the number of new patients. Some three years ago it was about 100 patients and now it is 200 per year. There is also increase in the number of patients who need dialysis,” Dr Hassan al- Malki, adult nephrology consultant, and head of Nephrology Division, HMC, told a press conference.
Paediatrics senior consultant Dr Bajes Y Hamad, and consultants Dr Awais Nauman, Dr Mohamed Mahmood Alkadi, and Dr Adel Aziz, were also present on the occasion.
HMC will hold the 12th annual kidney day on March 9. “It aims to raise awareness about kidney diseases in the community. The theme, this year, is 'Kidney Diseases and Obesity'. Kidney day activities will be held in hospitals, schools and health centres and dialysis units. There will be a walkathon on March10 at Katara as well as a two day symposium,” explained Dr al-Malki.
According to Dr Nauman, kidney diseases are common in all countries with a prevalence rate of about 8 to 10%. “We do not have a comprehensive epidemical survey here, but it is the same as in other parts of the world. This includes mild to chronic kidney diseases. Most of kidney disease cases are related to diabetes and hypertension. Among children, the major reason is congenital abnormalities,” noted the physician.
Dr Alkadi revealed there are about 800 patients on haemodialysis, in which a dialysis machine and a special filter called an artificial kidney, or a dialyser are used to clean blood.“ There are 170 patients on peritoneal dialysis - a treatment for kidney failure that uses the lining of abdomen, or belly, to filter the blood inside the body. About 140 are on the waiting list for kidney transplantation,” he added.
Dr Hamad noted that nearly 4,500 to 5,000 paediatric kidney patients are treated at 14 HMC clinics yearly. “One of the clinics is specialised for chronic kidney disease and we have a team of paediatric nephrology experts who will analyse the cases. Chronic kidney diseases with level four to five need frequent visits maybe once a month. Major paediatric cases are due to congenital abnormalities and we have a very good antenatal programme with the antenatal diagnoses ultra sound,” said Dr. Hamad.
Dr Adel Aziz said that obesity is one of the causes of kidney diseases and it affects the body as a whole causing high blood pressure, diabetes, bone diseases and ankle diseases.
“Healthy food and exercise are major ways to avoid obesity, hypertension and diabetes. If the patients have any kidney disease, they need to get a review from the doctor. Follow the physician's advise to get proper medicine and avoid pain killers. Proper investigations should be done if any problems occur as it leads to early diagnose,” he added.