The Bedaya Centre for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (Bedaya Centre) recently hosted a workshop titled ‘How to Excel in my Career’ at the Katara Art Centre –Building 5 at Katara – The Cultural Village.
Bedaya Centre, a joint initiative by Qatar Development Bank and Silatech, held the workshop in collaboration with coach Rawda al-Kubeissi. The event highlighted the importance of excelling and pioneering in any career, in addition to providing consultation and advice to help people develop their careers and facilitate their way to excellence.
Al-Kubeissi, a specialist in the field of human development, highlighted several points and important aspects on career development through ‘creative contracting’, innovating in a career and its surrounding environment, and ways of promoting one’s ideas in a working environment.
Bedaya Centre general manager Reem al-Suwaidi said: “Without any doubt, innovating, pioneering, and excelling in a career are keys to success, especially as these virtues are the core requirements of the labour market today.
“These qualities are also an integral part of satisfaction for the employee and, at the same time, a significant way to reduce effort, money, and an important way for progress in all sectors. On top of that it achieves job stability and security for the employee and thereby helps in evolving and developing the company he or she is part of.”